Monday, October 27, 2008

Make Getting Fit Over 40 Enjoyable

Even though world events are drawing a lot of attention, a major matter of discussion in women's groups and doctor's offices is the issue of women and their ability to get fit over 40. As many women already know too well, it can be tough to get in shape as you get older.

But, it's worth it to try your best in order to reduce the risk of illness, lower stress, and improve overall health. A good women's over 40 fitness program works by increasing physical fitness levels to help build up muscle strength which in turn supports joints and helps reduce arthritis-related pain.

Do you want to learn from an expert how to get fit when you're over 40? Click here to find out more.

Unfortunately 60% of women in the US don't get the recommended amount of physical activity and 25% aren't physically active at all. These statistics are slowly increasing the number of women who suffer from stress related diseases such as coronary disease, stroke, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Becoming fit over 40 is a lifestyle decision and absolutely necessary for living pain free and enjoying yourself. A good fitness program will include not only cardio and muscle building activities, but also a good diet plan. Focus on fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean meats. Take care not to eliminate fat but to make healthy choices. Also drink plenty of water each day.

When you plan your fitness program, include both cardiovascular activities as well as strength training. Women shouldn't worry about gaining large muscles as that simply isn't a part of their genetic composition. Building firm, lean muscle will add shapely curves and help to burn off excess calories that can lead to additional fat loss. Muscle also ensures bones stay healthy and makes accidents less likely to occur.

Don't be afraid to have fun when you exercise. Cardio activities such as team sports, inline skating, walking alone or with friends and many other activities can lead to hours of enjoyment and improve your health at the same time. Who said getting fit over 40 had to be boring?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Get It Right On Your Next Weight Loss Program

While you may not know it yet, when you decide to start a weight loss program, you're really hoping to lose fat instead of other types of weight. Unfortunately, many diet programs result in muscle loss rather than fat loss.

All too often the diet plan of choice is to reduce calories considerably. Sometimes and exercise regimen is put in place but it usually consists of cardiovascular activities only. While this type of program will result in losing weight, most of it ends up being water and muscle rather than fat.

Sometimes a trim person will have a considerable amount of cellulite and wonder why. Well, sometimes there is a genetic factor that comes into play and there's little that can be changed. However, more often the case is a lack of muscle. Through a modest amount of strength training and muscle building, most of the dimples could be removed.

The phenomenon of a "skinny fat person" can be explained by a measurement of body fat. Often thin people will register a low number on the scale but their body fat percentage is through the roof. Even though they might look attractive at first glance, upon closer inspection it becomes apparent that their health and fitness levels are not what they appear to be.

A similar problem is often faced by the on again, off again dieter who loses weight by following a strict program only to regain the pounds once the diet is over. When this cycle continues a number of times it's referred to as yo-yo dieting. It's a harmful practice that ultimately reduces metabolism, decreases muscle mass and increases fat levels in the body. If you have found yourself in a similar position, you know how hard it is to reverse.

Although things become more difficult once this cycle has been set into motion, there is a solution. However, it requires a change in attitude and healthy diet practices that become a permanent part of your lifestyle. There are no shortcuts here.

Initially, establish a healthy eating program that focuses on good nutrition. Then, commit the time to workout and incorporate both cardio and strength training exercises into the mix. Don't worry if the scale goes up at first. If you are building some muscle it probably will. Instead, pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit. You should notice an increase in energy levels as well.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Healthy Weight Loss Program

Healthy weight loss actually involves more than just eating less and exercising more. It involves an understanding and focused effort towards losing fat and holding on to valuable muscle. This is widely misunderstood among many yo-yo dieters.

Much of this confusion is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many authorities, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who you should listen to. In reality, there are a lot of workable programs out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

Numerous people like the idea of learning and reading about the newest diet plan but never put any of the techniques into motion. They become very knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories their favorite foods contain. What they fail to do however, is actually use that information. Instead, they look to another weight loss book because the first one didn't work.

If getting started is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to continuously motivate yourself to keep on track. Because everyone is unique, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

A motivational strategy used by many successful dieters is to follow those who came before them. In other words, learn from someone who has already achieved their weight loss goals and learn about what they did. You'll be able to find some ways you can build on their success.

Gather a number of motivational tips and review them every day or any time you need a boost. You'll shift your weight loss efforts into overdrive and reach your goal faster than you thought possible.